How to earn how to earn $1000,000.00

Step by Step without ever spending a single penny or risking anything except a small amount of your time.

This INCREDIBLE program will generate upwards of OVER $40,000.00 OR MORE per month for a total of $1,000,000.00 in the next two years OR LESS! You will NEVER have to spend a single penny to start or run this program at ANY time, and you WILL be earning profits within THE NEXT HOUR! All you need to do is follow the steps below - However, You MUST follow each step EXACTLY, or the system will not work. The entire process should take you less than an hour of your time to set-up and as little as 20 minutes a day, 4 or 5 days a week to maintain. There will NEVER be ANY cost to you - there is NO catch, and ABSOLUTELY NO RISK! The amazing plan detailed below, along with the incredible power of the Internet makes it possible for me to earn money while you earn money for yourself, and for EVERYONE who you pass this information along to earn money for you while they earn money for themselves and so on. This is not any kind of scheme or scam - it is a totally and completely legitimate marketing strategy that is now being used by many of the Internet's top earning entrepreneurs to generate an absolute fortune for themselves. I have refined it and formed it into a simple step-by-step system that anyone can follow. Here are the steps you must follow, remember to follow them EXACTLY!

STEP - 1.) Go To

Sign up for the FREE Refer Central program.

STEP - 2.) Once you have joined Refer Central, click on this link:

Scroll down the page until you see the heading: "Get Paid To E-mail" - click on "ZWALLET" and sign up for the ZWALLET program - being extra careful to follow all of the instructions EXACTLY! Once you sign-up for the ZWALLET program you will have to return to refer central and let them know what your ZWALLET ID is (instructions for this will be provided in a scroll-bar at the Bottom of your browser window). Make sure the referral ID for ZWALLET is chris1960.

STEP - 3.) Return to:

Scroll down the page until you see the heading which says: "Miscellaneous Get-paid-to... programs!" and click on "Skiddily" Sign-up for the Skiddily program using your ZWALLET E-mail as your e-mail address. Remember you will have to inform Refer Central as to what your Skiddily ID is. Refer Central will provide a link located in a bar at the bottom of your browser. MAKE SURE that the referral id for your Skiddily account is chris1960. Once you have completed the sign-up process, Skiddily will send a confirmation E-mail to your ZWALLET account. After you have completed all of the steps contained in this message, be sure to log into your new Zwallet account and confirm your membership with Skiddily - Instructions for doing so will be included in the E-mail that they send to you.

STEP - 4.) Go To:

Join their program. Follow all of the instruction for signing up carefully. Once you have joined this program, log into your new account with them and choose the option to "add a new autoresponder" Choose the option which says "I'd like a Send Free autoresponder to use..." Choose whatever name you wish as the name of your autoresponder and where it asks you for a subject line enter: Re: Requested Info. $1,000,000.00 STEP-BY-STEP For the title enter: $1,000,000.00 STEP-BY-STEP! NO COST - NO RISK! For the description enter: This incredible, 100% NO-COST money making system WILL actually generate up to $1,000,000.00 OR MORE!!! This amazing system costs nothing to start, nothing to run and you can actually be earning profits within the NEXT HOUR! Enter the above five lines when it asks you for your "Free Ad" as well. The Rating of both your autoresponder and your free ad should be "General" and the category that you would like to target should be "General+Mature" you should select "No filtering" when it prompts you. When it asks you for the content of the autoresponder, copy and paste this entire message that you are reading right now into the space provided. Be sure to change all of the URLS ( web addresses ) contained in this message to YOUR URLS, that is - the URLS that each program which you have joined gave you as your "referring URL." So, in STEP - 1) you would change: to:, do the same for the URL listed in STEP -2), STEP - 3) and so on.

STEP - 5) Go To:

Enter your name and your ZWALLET e-mail address in the spaces provided and click on "Sign Me Up" carefully follow all of the instructions to complete the sign-up process for this program.

STEP - 6.) Go To:

Join their free program. DO NOT enter your ZWALLET e-mail address when it asks for your e-mail. Instead, enter any other e-mail which you currently use and will check on a regular basis. This program will also ask you to enter an ad. For the subject or title of your ad enter: HOW TO EARN 1 MILLION DOLLARS ON THE WEB, STEP-BY-STEP, WITHOUT EVER SPENDING A DIME. For the body of your ad, enter: This incredible, 100% NO-COST money making system WILL actually generate up to $1,000,000.00 OR MORE!!! This amazing system costs nothing to start, nothing to run and you can actually be earning profits within the NEXT HOUR! There is NEVER ANY cost, NO CATCH, AND there is ABSOLUTELY NO RISK! simply send a blank e-mail to:( OK, once you have finished STEP-6, you will have set-up for yourself an automatic marketing machine that will get your ad in front of people! Now it's time to get to work on the "meat and potatoes" end of making money!

STEP - 7.) Now, this is IMPORTANT! Every day that you can manage it, you must go to your new "MegaResponse" lottery site ( ideally you will want to do this EVERY day) but if you miss one or two days a week, it's not a big deal. Your lottery site will be located at: which was sent to you by Megaresponse when you signed up). Once there, enter the lottery! DO THIS EVERY DAY IF YOU CAN! Every time that you enter the lottery, MegaResponse will send a confirmation e-mail. Go there and open that e-mail and read it, but don't delete it until the lottery is over.

AND, BELIEVE IT OR NOT - THAT'S IT! IT. Sounds unbelievable, but If you follow all of these steps EXACTLY you should have upwards of $1,000,000.00 or more within the next year or two. ( I know it sounds like a long time, but it's not as if you'll have to wait 2 years and then receive a check for one million dollars, it's more like after a few months you'll be making $40,000.00 or so per month) Remember, all you have to do is to get about 50 people read this message and follow the steps! If that happens ( which should happen automatically if you follow the steps) and they each get 50 people. ( Which should also happen automatically) then you should have your $1,000,000.00 by the end of next year! The idea is to get this message to as many people as you can! The best way to do that is to get as many people as you can to send an e-mail to your "SendFree" autoresponder that you have set-up. But it is VERY important that you DO NOT SPAM! If you SPAM people (send unsolicited e-mail or post ads to off-topic newsgroups) the companies that you have signed up with will drop you from their system. If even one company drops you, the entire plan will collapse! So, there are other things that you can do to greatly decrease the amount of time it will take for you to make $1,000,000.00!

You should do as many of the following as you can: USE YOUR ZWALLET ACCOUNT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! send as many e-mails with your ZWALLET account as you can and read as many as you can! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Ideally, you should try to send at least 10 - 20 e-mails per day and receive and read 10-20 e-mails per day. Login to your ZWALLET account, go to "options" and click on: "signature." In the box provided enter: HOW TO EARN 1 MILLION DOLLARS ON THE WEB, STEP-BY-STEP, WITHOUT EVER SPENDING A DIME Receive the ENTIRE plan FREE OF CHARGE! No-STRINGS ATTACHED! Simply send a blank e-mail to: (Your SendFree E-mail address) Put that same message in the signature file of every e-mail account you use!

Go To's classified ads and post classified ads which direct people to e-mail your SendFree autoresponder. Use headlines such as: 100% FREE - NO STRINGS - $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 NO COST! STEP-BY-STEP $$$ NEVER ANY COST - NEVER ANY RISK $$$ NEVER SPEND A DIME - GENERATE $1,000,000.00 Or anything else that will pique a viewers interest and get them to read the ad. As the body of your ad put: This incredible, 100% NO-COST money making system WILL actually generate up to $1,000,000.00 OR MORE!!! This amazing system costs nothing to start, nothing to run and you can actually be earning profits within the NEXT HOUR! There is NEVER ANY cost, it is GUARANTEED TO WORK, AND there is ABSOLUTELY NO RISK INVOLVED! simply send a blank e-mail to: (your SendFree autoresponder address) and you will automatically receive the ENTIRE, STEP-BY-STEP plan FREE! Place your classified ads at every 48 to 72 hours if you can. NOTE: Before placing your ads, you will have to sign- up with Yahoo for a free account. When signing up, you will be prompted to enter your E-mail address - this should be your ZWALLET address. However, when entering ads, you will also be prompted to enter your e-mail - this should be your SendFree address.

Also, you can go to: And enter free classified ads here as well, this should be done about once per week. As well, you can also go to,, and Go to the "Business Opportunities" section and sign up for any safe-lists that say that you can post free ads. Enter your ZWALLET address as your e-mail and once per day send an e-mail to every list that you sign-up for with the subject line: HOW TO EARN 1 MILLION DOLLARS ON THE WEB, STEP-BY-STEP, WITHOUT EVER SPENDING A DIME Copy and paste this entire message into the body of your e- mail. BE EXTRA CAREFUL THAT EACH GROUP THAT YOU SIGN-UP FOR ALLOWS YOU TO POST ADS, AND DO NOT POST TO ANY ONE GROUP MORE THAN ONCE PER DAY ( some groups may require you to post less than that - once per week for instance )

You can simplify this process by going to: And downloading their free software - this software will allow you to post one e-mail and have it sent to every safe-list that you signed up with. Also, with most of the programs which you have now signed up for, you will have received your own free web pages with those programs. Most of them have valuable marketing tools and information. Explore these web sites and take advantage of the marketing tools and resources they provide.

The most important thing for you to remember is that you need to get as many people as you possibly can to read this letter and follow the instructions. Just try any way that you can think of to get people to mail your SendFree e-mail address! BUT DO NOT SPAM!

l If you have followed ALL of these steps EXACTLY and spend a very small amount of time at least 4 days a week, to using your ZWALLET account, promoting your SendFree autoresponder in the ways which I have suggested and just plain - getting this message out, you WILL be successful with this program! Imagine, you really just have to spend about one hour a day, four or five days a week working this system and you can earn up to $80,000.00 per month or more! INCREDIBLE! I can help you create a a free web page just like this one - e-mail me with ( freeweb ) in the subject line at: To have this entire message e-mailed to you simply send a blank e-mail

For MORE FREE money making ideas and programs to help you promote your new system or start your own, click on the button below for the BEST FREE STUFF on the Web.

I'll be adding more links to this page as I find them but, you can rest assured that I'll only be posting the very BEST sites with the BEST results that deliver the results FREE.


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